ROR-n Plattform 1(3) Forced Migration Studies: Current Interventions May 2022 This book is a selection of contributions to the ROR-n Blog (2020-2022). 29 authors coming from diverse disciplines discuss forced migration-related issues. All 23 contributions offered here were written by academicians, based on informed in-depth research and geared to a wider public. This collection is intended to offer readers a broad panorama of the most important current debates on forced migration within and outside of academia. We hope that it will serve as a historical snapshot of how these debates affect and are affected by the tribulations of the current historical moment. |
ROR-n Plattform 1(2)
COVID-19 in Flucht- und Integrationskontext June 2021 Deutsch: DIESES BUCH FASST DIE WESENTLICHEN ERGEBNISSE EINES IM RAHMEN DER COVID-19 RAPID RESPONSE FÖRDERUNG DES WWTF FINANZIERTEN PROJEKTS AUS DEM JAHR 2020 ZUSAMMEN. AUS DER GROßEN BANDBREITE AN EMPIRISCHEN RESULTATEN WURDEN PRIMÄR JENE MIT DER GRÖßTEN PRAXIS- UND UMSETZUNGSRELEVANZ AUSGEWÄHLT, ZU THEMATISCHEN CLUSTERN ZUSAMMENGEFASST UND JEWEILS DARAUF BEZOGENE GOOD-PRACTICE-EMPFEHLUNGEN FÜR STAKEHOLDER UND NGOS ANGEFÜGT. WIR BEABSICHTIGEN DAMIT UMSETZUNGSRELEVANTE ANSTÖßE FÜR ETWAIGE WEITERE PANDEMIEBEZOGENE MAßNAHMEN IN DER ZUKUNFT GEBEN ZU KÖNNEN. English: This book summarizes the main findings of a 2020 project funded under the WWTF covid-19 rapid response grant. The analytical data presented was selected from a much wider sample on the basis of its practical and implementation relevance. The research results are organized according to thematic clusters and good practice recommendations for stakeholders and NGOs. Furthermore, the material presented has high implementation value for future pandemic related policy measures. |
ROR-n Plattform 2(1)
Agency and Tutelage in Forced Migration June 2020
Agency and Tutelage in Forced Migration, the second volume of our Plattform book series, is a remarkable collection of selected contributions to the ROR-n Blog (2015-2020). 30 authors coming from diverse disciplines discuss forced migration-related issues. All 30 contributions were written by academicians, based on informed in-depth research and geared to a wider public. In bringing together these three fields of inquiry, the present volume opens up promising approaches to forced migration.
ROR-n Plattform 1(1)
Empfehlungen für integrationspolitische Best-Practice-Strategien und Maßnahmen February 2020
ROR-n Plattform 1(1), entitled Empfehlungen für integrationspolitische Best-Practice-Strategien und -Maßnahmen, develops results from our LODA research project into best practice policy recommendations.